Declaration from the Danish 'Free Ahmad Sa'adat Campaign, October 25, 2009
The Israeli military court in Bir Saba on October 22 extended PFLP-leader Ahmad Sa’adat’s isolation for six additional months. Sa’adat has been sentenced to 30 years prisons by an Israeli military court only because of his political activities. Ahmad Sa’adat has already spent more than 6 months in the special solitary confinement section in the Ramon prison where he is confined without access to other prisoners and deprived of basic human rights – such as access to television, newspapers and books. He has been denied visits from his family for the last three months. Sa’adat has been handcuffed and allowed only one hour exercise per day. The Israeli prisons administration tries to justify all this by saying that Sa’adat has given two packets of cigarettes to a fellow-prisoner.
The Israeli prison administration tries to criminalize the relations between the prisoners among them, and between the prisoners and their family; just as they try, through isolation, torture and other forms of violations of the prisoners’ human rights, to break the strong prisoners’ movement which is an important part of the Palestinian resistance movement against the illegitimate Israeli occupation.
We – the Danish ‘Free Ahmad Sa’adat Campaign’ – hereby sharply protest against the prolonged solitary confinement of Ahmad Sa’adat. We claim:
- Immediate end of the solitary confinement of Ahmad Sa’adat
- Respect of the human rights of the prisoners in Israeli prisons
- Free Ahmad Sa’adat and the 10.000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons
The Danish ‘Free Ahmad Sa’adat Campaign’ – October 25, 2009
Sent to: The Danish media, The International Red Cross, The Israeli Embassy in Denmark, the international campaign