Udtalelse fra Internationalt Forums Landsmøde: Løslad Ahmad Saadat

Løslad Ahmad Saadat


I øjeblikket sidder ca. 8.000 palæstinensiske fanger i israelske fængsler. En af dem er Ahmad Saadat, generalsekretær for PFLP (Folkefronten til Palæstinas Befrielse). Han har netop fået forlænget sin isolationsdom med yderligere seks måneder, dvs. frem til 21. april 2011. Dette skal sandsynligvis ses som ’straf’ for den omfattende internationale solidaritetskampagne i forhold til Ahmad Saadat der fandt sted i 2 uger i oktober måneder, fra USA, Canada, New Zeeland, Irland, Danmark, Grækenland, Tyrkiet, Libanon og mange andre lande – til støtte for kravet om løsladelse og stop for isolation.

Ahmad Saadat har været holdt i isolation i over 500 dage, siden 19. marts 2009. Han forhindres i kontakt med andre fanger i fængslet og frarøves andre menneskerettigheder. Man har taget hans bøger fra ham, og han tilbydes kun medier og læsestof på hebræisk. Han må ikke få besøg af sin familie, og ofte nægtes hans advokater adgang til ham.

Saadats fortsatte isolationsfængsling viser igen og igen at de israelske domstole fungerer som den zionistiske besættelsesmagts forlængede arm. Saadat er fængslet udelukkende pga. sine politiske aktiviteter. Han repræsenterer den konsekvente politiske kamp mod den israelske besættelse, nemlig den politiske linje der nægter at forhandle fred med besættelsesmagten, men kræver besættelsen stoppet.

Derfor er kampen for Saadats og de andre palæstinensiske fangers løsladelse også en kamp mod selve den israelske besættelse. Derfor siger vi fra Internationalt Forums landsmøde 2010:


Løslad Ahmad Saadat og alle de palæstinensiske fanger i israelske fængsler

Bekæmp den zionistiske besættelse – Frit Palæstina


PS. Landsmødet opfordrer til at sende solidaritetshilsener til Ahmad Saadat på følgende adresse:

Ahmad Saadat, Ramon Area, PO Box 699, Postal Code 80600, Israel





Release Ahmad Saadat

To-day more than 8.000 Palestinian prisoners are detained in Israeli prisons. One of them is Ahmad Saadat, the general secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The Israeli authorities recently prolonged his solitary confinement with additional six months, i.e. until April 21, 2010. probably as a ‘punishment” for the international solidarity campaign in relation to Ahmad Sadaat which took place two weeks In October with participation from USA, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Germany, Turkey, Lebanon, and many other countries – all supporting the claim for freedom and stop isolation.

Ahmad Saadat has been held in solitary confinement for more than 500 days, since March 2009. He is deprived of contact with the other prisoners and his family and deprived the ordinary human rights. They have taken his personal books from him, and the only reading materials available for him are in Hebrew. Often his lawyers are denied access to him.

The continued solitary confinement of Ahmad Saadat shows again and again that the Israeli courts are the instruments of the Zionist occupation. Sadaat is imprisoned exclusively because of his political activities. He represents the consistent political struggle agains the Israeli occupation, - the political line which refuses to participate in negotiations for peace with the occupation, but claims: Stop the occupation.

Thus the struggle for the release of Ahmad Saadat and the other Palestinian prisoners is also a struggle against the Israeli occupation. Therefore we say from the congress 2010 of Internationalt Forum:

Release Ahmad Saadat and all the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons

Fight the Zionist occupation - Free Palestine


www.internationaltforum.dk – November 13 – 14, 2010

Internationalt Forum’s congress calls on all friends of Palestine to send letters of solidarity to Ahmad Saadat at the following address:


Ahmad Saadat, Ramon Area, PO Box 699, Postal Code 80600, Israel